
9/20/2019 2:16 pm

Have fun learning German with songs. The Kinderchor (Childrens choir) sings traditional songs in German and open to all students in 2nd - 6th grades.  Please see flyer for details and to register.  

Corporate Sponsorships

9/20/2019 2:12 pm

If you or someone you know if looking for another way to support the Orange Hunt PTA please check out our Corporate Sponsorship options for the 2019-2020 school year.  

Pottery Club Registration

9/17/2019 1:30 pm

After-school Jimmy Potter’s Pottery Program is now enrolling.  The program is open to all students from K through 6th grade. It will start Monday, September 30 and go through Monday, December 2 from 3:45 PM to 4:45PM. See flyer for details and to register.

Stem Excel Registration Now Open

9/13/2019 9:54 am

Stem Excel is now open for registration. Classes are offered on Wednesdays: Robotics for grades 1-4 and 3D printing for grades 3-6. See flyer for details.

After School Club Updates

9/6/2019 10:46 pm

The following clubs are now open for registration:

Run Fit Kidz
Odyssey of the Mind
Chess Club

Registration is coming soon for Pottery Club and Engineering for Kids.

Unfortunately we will not be able to offer Girls on the Run this fall. We plan to have Girls on the Run back at Orange Hunt in the Spring.

We are still looking for volunteers for Reflections Chair,  Stem eXcel parent sponsor and Guitar Club parent sponsor. If interested, contact Jennifer at

GLOBAL Plus Now Registering

9/5/2019 10:12 pm

Offering Spanish and German classes for students in K-6th grade. Classes meet once a week on Wednesdays or Thursdays depending on grade level and language. Please see flyer for details.

Advanced German for grades 3-6 begins on Tuesday, November 19th for students comfortable speaking basic German. This class focuses on grammar, reading and writing in German, and increasing vocabulary.

The GLOBAL Plus Program is an approach to language learning that allows students to develop communicative skills, using interactive SMART board technology and other fun activities. The curriculum is designed so students taking the class in multiple years will learn new vocabulary and participate in different activities. Classes are suitable for students beginning a new language and students with experience in the language.

Classes start Nov 6th. Register by phone, 703 658-1201 or online at

Questions? Please email

Online Spiritwear Ordering Now Open

8/27/2019 9:05 am

The PTA has a limited number of Spiritwear youth and adult short sleeve and long sleeve shirts available for immediate delivery. You can place your order here.  If you don't see what you are looking for you can order online through September 16th. 



Welcome Back!!

8/25/2019 12:25 pm

We have been working hard planning this year's PTA events, activities and fundraisers. We hope that not only will you join the PTA this year but, also be an active participant in our school community.

One of our BIGGEST needs is volunteers. We need lots of help to plan all of the activities and programs that we support. Check our contact page for the latest openings.

And finally, our main fundraiser, Hoot's Heroes, is an armchair/no-stress fundraiser. We just ask you to make a donation - nothing to sell, no sharing with other companies and easy.

We are so excited for an amazing year!!

School Supply Kits Delivery

8/15/2019 10:58 am

If you preordered your child’s school supplies please pick them up in the cafeteria prior to going to their classrooms at open house.  If you are unable to attend open house the boxes will be delivered to your child’s classroom.

Volunteer Needed - Boohoo Yahoo Breakfast

8/6/2019 11:55 am

The PTA is looking for someone to plan the Boohoo Yahoo breakfast on the first day of school, August 26th.  Please reach out to Jennifer Clapp at for more information or if you are interested in helping out.